December 21, 2011

An Untimely Demise

Something quite tragic happened tonight.

Everything may look alright at the moment. HAMY still looks brand new, even, save for the little bits of dried dough stuck underneath. But in the midst of mixing some chocolate chip cookie dough, something scary happened...

*whirring* *whirring* *CLUNK!* ...she had burned out.


I had an odd feeling early in the day, even before I started measuring out the ingredients.
Something bad was going to happen.

Baby, we were so close. You could have made it. Just 2.5 more ingredients to go.
I guess I shouldn't have pushed you so.
But I guess I can be sort of glad you went out the way you came in.

I was genuinely so very sad. Tears in my eyes - I mean, there's dust in my eyes and that's why they're watery... - sad. We had so many beautiful years together. A near decade love affair. But it is now time I let you go.

Thank you for all the wonderful memories and desserts.

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