October 31, 2012

Happy Halloween!

It's that time of year again! Where ghouls and ghosts and witches come out to play!

I, on the other hand, will be moping at home after work. Not necessarily a bad thing, though, as the past 2 months have been so tiring from packing and moving my things about. Yes, a night of moping, some distribution of candies, and maybe one scary movie...if I am not feeling too sleepy. Man, do I sound like a frumpy old lady or what? Sweatpants and all, y'all! May my night of debauchery commence!

Speaking of ghouls and ghosts, I have always been interested in all things paranormal ever since I was a kid. I personally have never had such experiences or encounters with the paranormal, but I have some family members that have. I guess I can say that I do believe that certain energies can be left behind and can cause unusual and unexplainable things to happen, but I'm not sure to what extent do I believe that other-worldly entities exist (whether they be ghosts or other kinds of benevolent/malevolent beings).

And in the past few days, I have been ever so engrossed in those paranormal research-y type shows. There are so many on the SyFy channel! I couldn't get enough of them. It reminded me of when I was a younger, my family and I would gather at my grandparent's house to watch these specials and everyone else would swap stories and try to scare each other. If you're interested, some of my favorite shows so far are Ghost Hunters, Paranormal Witness, and Haunted Highway. I like Haunted Highway the best at the moment. Every case that's explored is done by a team of 2 people; just them and no camera crew. SCARY, ISN'T IT? No camera crew around you to save you! I feel like it makes the situation feel more raw and real.

I'll admit that half the time I'm preparing myself for some typical gimmicky scary thing to happen on camera, kind of equivalent to when you're watching a video online and it instructs you to turn up your speakers and lean in closer to the screen, then suddenly some melty-faced ghoul flashes in front of you accompanied by an ear-piercing scream. Yeah, thank goodness that kind of stuff doesn't happen on the show.

I honestly don't know how I would react if I ever encountered something.
How would you? Have any of you ever had any paranormal experiences?

Also, everyone have a safe and fun night of treats and trickery!


  1. I've recently become more adventurous in the scare zone by attending Universal Horror Nights last Friday and I went to a Night of the Living Dead Show last night... But that's really the extent of my adventures. I can't fathom watching scary shows. Haha.

    I've done my best to avoid any paranormal experiences. Haha.

    1. Ahh you know, I've never been to the amusement parks when they become Halloween themed. I guess I've missed my chance for now...but there's always next year! And I can't get enough of those shows! Maybe by next year you'll be up for intensifying your adventure. Haha.

      Oh goodness, hahaha. I don't go out looking for paranormal...trouble either. My friends and I considered doing our own little investigation at one point in high school, in order to do a feature story for the school paper. We ended up not doing it because we didn't want "things" following us home!


Feel free to leave your comments, questions, suggestions, stories, anything! I would love to hear from you!