September 24, 2012

A New Season

Hello Autumnal Equinox

A lot has happened since last season. I spent the majority of my summer moping, moving, grooving. I've been moving my things round and round, here and there, and now I'm settled down.

There were so many changes to adapt to, and in such a short time. Sometimes it can be such a taxing and even lonely process. BUT, I am so grateful for having such amazing people in my life that are always willing to lend a helping hand. New season, new beginnings, right?

So here are a few things that I am looking forward to for the fall:

  • Baking
  • HOLIDAY Baking
  • Cold Weather
  • Soups (hot bowl + cold weather = bliss!)
  • Crocheting

Basics to live by: just remember to keep things simple in order to simplify your life.


  1. Yay, baking!!! I can't wait to bake with you! :))

    1. Uber belated...but thank you!
      I need all the encouragement I can get! :D


Feel free to leave your comments, questions, suggestions, stories, anything! I would love to hear from you!